What male and female energies are, and how they affect a relationship?

What male and female energies are, and how they affect a relationship?

Hello! In today's post, we are going to see how each person has their own energy and how they classify it.

Basically every individual has different energies. It can be classified as  masculine and feminine energy. Neither energy is determined by gender, and usually one is more dominant than the other. Generally a person is classified according to which of these two energies is more dominant. But sometimes one can have these two energies in conflict. 

Specifically, men always have masculine energy and women always have feminine energy. As read above these two are not categorized by gender. So maybe men have feminine energy and women have masculine energy.

So, let's see below what male and female energies are, and how they affect a relationship?

Masculine Energy

As reported by Living Well Counseling Services, masculine energy is about doing and being action-oriented. Masculine energy is stable and more predictable. The strengths are will, clarity, and focus. The masculine energy likes to create structures and rules, so it knows how to apply logic properly. Masculine energy has core energy or characteristics as follows:

It is defined in terms of certain customs. Masculine energy requires a man to be completely goal oriented. That means having a goal for oneself,

To be completely independent. He should take his own decisions and not depend on others.

Must lead others and possess leadership qualities.

He has to make his own decision. He should take his decision seriously and show victory in it without hesitation.

This type of men will do what he wants to make himself happy instead of making others happy.

An important characteristic of this is to take risks in everything and make bold decisions without hesitation.

A man needs the mental strength to face whatever happens.

Feminine Energy

Contrary to masculine energy, feminine energy is flowing and dynamic. Its movements cannot be predicted or always explained with a rational mind. This energy is not constrained by social norms because it does not follow any rules other than the guidance that comes from the heart. People who are more dominant with feminine energy will have the following characteristics:

Feminine energy is relationship oriented and all their decisions are based on emotions.

(showing emotion in everything),

Softness (keeping the peace),

Making them feel safe.

(If they don't feel safe they will protect themselves i.e. stay away from problems,)

Being happy.

They always seek their happiness in the happiness of others.

They will accept everyone's opinion and will not disagree.

They get along with everyone easily. 

This is a common female trait. If you ask if all women behave in this way, then it is not true that it is considered a common trait imposed on women.

This is how these energies are classified. It cannot be said that specific characteristics are male and female.

But in this way men keep themselves safe by not daring to do anything. They wonder what others will think. Thus it is possible to think like female energy.

Those who think like this are called feminine.

How do these energies affect the relationship?

Even though everyone   without determining the gender, can combine both energies, masculine and feminine energies are two different polarities. However, each individual has one kind of energy that is way more prominent than the other one. Therefore, these differences can attract another human being to fit the puzzle that one is lacking.

The relationship built by two people can fall into discord when the masculine partner has defaulted too far over their feminine tendencies with their feminine partner, who is also in their feminine tendencies or vice versa. When the polarity is out of balance, the relationship starts to be disharmonic, with more frequent misunderstandings, disconnection, conflict, and ultimately, a complete break in sexual intimacy.

We don't need to ask the other person to be more feminine or masculine to resolve this conflict caused by asymmetric energy.

Because we cannot control people and their energy. What we can do to recover from the power imbalance is through close communication to address the problem and find a solution together.

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